Monday, February 2, 2009

Jaine FAQ

1. How old is Jaine?
Jaine will be 14 years old on October 4th, 2009.

2. What's a Red Heeler?
It's a breed of working dog from Australia, also known as the Australian Cattle Dog.

3. Can Jaine see?
Sadly, Jaine is mostly blind. But she's adapting to her condition. She certainly hasn't let blindness get in the way of having fun or smelling the good smells in the world.

4. What time does Jaine wake up?
Usually around 5am. She leaves the bedroom and carefully navigates her way down the stairs to her "office" under the kitchen counter. There she works on her memoirs (or dogmoirs, as we call them) until everyone else gets up. Some days, as the morning light breaks through the bedroom window, you can here the soft clack-clack-clack of Jaine's Smith Corona typewriter. Jaine's not into computers, which is why she doesn't update this blog herself.

5. How often does Jaine go for a walk?
Twice a day. One hour in the morning and half an hour in the late afternoon. The hour in the morning is essential for her temperament. Those who knew Jaine before she moved to Richmond will remember that she was a bit, well, manic. Turns out, she just didn't have enough "work" in her day. An hour-long walk in the morning gives Jaine the satisfaction of having done her hunting and gathering for the day, and keeps her content and mellow.

6. Where does Jaine like to walk?
Jaine's favourite stroll is along the Fraser River boardwalk from Steveston Village to the Britannia Heritage Shipyard. Another great walk is around Garry Point Park. Jaine's favourite wild walk is leading her dad through the farmer's fields off Gilbert Road, where in the summer, she picks blackberries.

7. What does she do after her morning walk?
She eats her breakfast, then settles in for a few hours of thoughtful meditation. In the afternoon, she naps. Every now and then she tackles the stairs one at a time, to check that those of us in the upstairs office are actually working.

8. What's Jaine's favourite place for ice cream?
Jaine doesn't have ice cream all that often, but when she's in the mood, she high-tails it to Sara's Old Fashioned Ice Cream in Steveston Village. They offer a special "dog-size" ice cream cone.

9. Does Jaine enjoy having her picture taken?
Jaine patiently endures the camera and the photographer, but when she's done, she's done.

10. Has fame changed Jaine?
She's pretty much the same old Jaine. Although she did recently stay in her first luxury hotel. And the other night she drank lime-flavoured Perrier instead of plain water. Hmm...


  1. Hi Jaine!

    Like you, I'm not that fond of computers ... and it takes FOREVER for my humans to update my site.
    I've been to the walks you mention -- they're pretty good, but I have more great one that I love to do.

    Keep healthy and I love your photos -- you are a supermodel too!

    All the best, shake a paw from
    Beatrice Chi - Chow

  2. Hi Jane,

    I was so happy to see another dogs 365 blog on here. I really liked your picture. It looked like you had a lot of fun.

    Teddy Bear
