You're probably wondering what happened to the second half of 2009.
The photographer and her assistant went to Scotland -- without me! But that's okay, I got to hang out with a famous author. As soon as the photographer got home, she went back to writing her novel. (Which means she sat in her pajamas all day with a sour look on her face.)
The photographer's assistant taught six, count 'em, six courses last term, but always had time to spend with me. We dragged the photographer out with us when we could, usually without her camera.
After Christmas, my mouth puffed up like a furry balloon, and the vet said I had a bad infection -- ouch! Plus a heart murmur -- oh, dear! I had to have a scary surgery to remove nine teeth -- yeow! But don't worry, I'm on the mend, and starting to feel like my old self.
I'm taking it very slow these days, and I'm not always up for posing, so the photographer will regale you with some photos from the past five months, and we'll post new ones as we take them.
So from the photographer, her trusty assistant, and of course, me (woof!), Happy 2010!
Welcome back to the screen, sweet Jaine! Hope your recovery goes well & say hi to the photographer & her assistant for me! xo